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Effective January 21, 2024, Parcel Select Lightweight (PSLW) will be eliminated; all handling, attributes, and requirements will no longer exist or be available.  Parcel Select (PS) will be enhanced to include pricing at 4, 8, and 12 ounces. Packages at the 15.999 ounces will be available as Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA) only. Shippers with questions related to the handling, comingling, minimum piece counts, label requirements and/or disposition of pieces previously shipped PSLW should reference the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM).  In short, characteristics associated with PS will now apply to what was previously PSLW, as well. USPS will grant a grace period to allow customers to exhaust existing stock of preprinted shipping labels and to comply with requirements for proper label elements such as the Service Icon, Service Banner and Service Type Code (STC). The grace period will end March 31, 2024.

-Industry Alert